Why Informational Technology (IT) System Evaluations Are Becoming Increasingly Important

It seems like every day there is a new online security leak. Somehow a hacker finds a backdoor and suddenly a company’s data, internal communications, market strategies, and more are on full view for the world to see. The company must then spend extensively to rebuild its infrastructure, to ensure a secure future, and to regain client confidence. These are extreme cases, but less reported on are the daily inefficiencies within IT systems that are costing companies valuable time and money.

With Affinity Technology Partners’ ongoing Technical Alignment support, you will not only have the peace of mind that your business is protected against such embarrassing outside attacks, but that you are also operating as efficiently as possible.

Technical Alignment—Part of the Complete Care Partnership

As part of our Complete Care Partnership, we offer our clients ongoing security evaluations to ensure their IT infrastructure is safe from potential threats—we call this “technical alignment.” Over the years, we have developed (and continue to add to) a library of security standards that we use to continually evaluate our clients’ IT infrastructures. We visit each client’s site on a recurring basis to perform an evaluation based on our library of standards, which is then used to evaluate the security and efficiency of our clients’ networks. These ongoing evaluations allow us to present high-impact recommendations for our clients.  

Planning, Implementation, and Follow-Up— Affinity is With You Every Step of the Way

At Affinity Technology Partners, we’re in it for the long haul. That is why we take the time to get to know your business, your needs, and your goals so that we can ensure security evaluations that best fit your specific situation and your desired outcomes. Though every situation is different, they typically follow this format:

  1. Meeting - We will start by reviewing your goals: are there specific vulnerabilities or inefficiencies that you are concerned about or do you simply want a full spectrum evaluation?
  2. Technical Alignment - We will begin ongoing technical alignment evaluations of your IT infrastructure utilizing our vast knowledge of IT system support and industry-wide standards.
  3. Reporting/Next Steps - Technical alignment evaluations allow us to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of your security measures. We report these findings to you along with our recommended next steps.
  4. Implementation - Our team of experienced IT service providers can then make the necessary changes to ensure the integrity, security, and efficiency of your company.
  5. Follow-Up - With Affinity, the job is never done. We will follow up to ensure that your goals have been met. And, the technical alignment process is ongoing. We continually assess your systems based on our evolving standards and provide you with timely recommendations that make sense for your business.

How Affinity’s Team, Experience, and Reputation Can Help Your Business

Since 2002, Affinity Technology Partners has been a go-to for IT solutions for businesses of all sizes in Nashville, Tennessee and beyond. We have made it this far and developed our reputation in this highly competitive industry by consistently providing high quality IT support and by employing a team of highly trained, experienced, and personable technical consultants.

We take the time to get to know your company and your company’s needs so that we can provide you with a personalized service from start to finish. We are in it for the long run and are always considering what is best for your company’s growth now and in the future.

Outsourced IT support through Affinity Technology Partners provides you with individualized technical alignment and an experienced team that listens, cares, and delivers. Give us a call or schedule an IT consulting service online to find out how a partnership with Affinity can help your business today.